
Adapazari, Turkey

Adapazari is Louisville’s most recent sister city to date. The relationship formed between the two cities in 2012 thanks to strong support from Louisville’s Turkish community. Adapazari is located right outside of Istanbul and is the capital of the Sakarya region.

  • 1,042,649 (2021)

  • Dates back to 376 BC

    Has influence from the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Hellentists, and Persians among others

    Officially founded in 1868

    Separated from the Kocaeli Province to become the center of a new province named the Sakarya Province in 2000 

    In 1999, there was a very large earthquake, leaving 18,000 casualties

  • Sangarius Bridge: built by Byzantine Emperor Justinian in 533 AD, the only surviving ancient monument

    Kent Park: park that features a reconstruction of a historic water wheel that provided fresh water to the city up until 1955

    Sakarya Sanat Galerisi: Sakarya Art Gallery 

  • Kabak Talisi: a sweet dish of candied pumpkin, walnuts, and cinema

    Islama Kofte: Turkish meatballs, served with onions, garlic, cumin, and eggs

    Kofte: meatballs of lamb or beef

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